
Dog Training
Want to train your bird dog, but don’t know the best method for you and your dog? There are many different activities you can participate in with your dog and they all require some level of training. There are, however, many different ways to achieve your specific goals. We will provide links to already established training programs available, but will also be offering webinar presentations, special workshops, and Bird Dog Society events to help guide you and make decisions on what works best for you.

At your wits’ end with the energy needs of your bird dog pup or adult bird dog? The Bird Dog Society will provide resources to direct you to public land opportunities for hunting and exercising your dogs. We are also working with state agencies to develop bird dog specific information booklets that simplify the regulations for using public lands for bird dog and hunting dog activities. Additionally, the Bird Dog Society has events planned to keep you engaged and active with your dogs all year. As a Bird Dog Society member you will also have the option to be listed in our member directory to connect with other local bird dog owners to plan activities and assist each other in navigating bird dog ownership. Go to our Events page to see a list of planned events.

Want to see if your bird dog has any interest in or talent for what their breed was originally developed to do? Whether it’s waterfowl or upland birds we want to help you ease into hunting with your dog and point you to the resources to make you comfortable in this new adventure. Bird dogs have a way of pulling their owners into the uplands or a duck blind even when shooting a bird is that last thing you thought you would ever do. Then again, what wouldn’t you do for your best friend? Check out some of the provided webinars or special events at our Events page. Also, consider joining or starting a chapter in your area.